Once Upon

Once Upon

Friday, 5 July 2013

What we did....

Like, there was this one time, we converted a Ford Escort van into a caravette and went away. In England we ate fish & chips and saw a fluffy rabbit......
We parked the caravette on a boat and sailed to France, drank cheap lager beer and saw some gulls....
We meant to go to 'the alps' but lived in a cave
in some woods instead
and climbed some big rocks that were there,
we ate cheese, drank wine and saw a big dog who chased us every day.....
Later, we went to 'the alps' after-all and lived in a campsite drying room, it was warm.....and dry. We climbed up some very big rocks on top of some snowy mountains. We ate some more cheese and drank some more wine and saw some cows
and some goaty things.....
Then we went to Italy to climb up some different rocks on different mountains and where we lived on a beach sometimes...we ate some different cheese and drank some different wine, a lot, and saw some lizards
and boars....
Then we went home.

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